AutoIt Obfuscator Dokumentacja API — Ochrona Skryptów AutoIt

Zautomatyzuj proces obfuskacji kodów źródłowych skryptów AutoIt wykorzystując dedykowany interfejs Web API AutoIt Obfuscatora dla PHP i Pythona.


Możesz skorzystać ze wszystkich opcji AutoIt Obfuscatora poprzez interfejs Web API. Web API bazuje na prostym zapytaniu POST i odpowiedzi zakodowanej w postaci JSON.


W celu szybszego wdrożenia, paczki intalacyjne interfejsu Web API AutoIt Obfuscatora zostały wgrane na popularne repozytoria, a ich kody źródłowe zostały dodatkowo opublikowane na GitHubie:

Repozytorium Język Instalacja Paczka Źródła
Repozytorium Packagist dla PHP i Composera PHP

Uruchom komendę:

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist pelock/autoit-obfuscator "*"

lub dodaj do sekcji require w pliku konfiguracyjnym composer.json wpis:

"pelock/autoit-obfuscator": "*"
Packagist GitHub
Repozytorium PyPI dla Pythona i pip Python
pip install autoitobfuscator
PyPI GitHub

Przykłady użycia

Obfuskacja z domyślnymi ustawieniami

// include AutoIt Obfuscator class
use PELock\AutoItObfuscator;

// if you don't want to use Composer use include_once
//include_once "AutoItObfuscator.php";

// create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
$myAutoItObfuscator = new PELock\AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD");

// source code in AutoIt v3 format
$scriptSourceCode = 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World")';

// by default all options are enabled, both helper random numbers
// generation & obfuscation strategies, so we can just simply call:
$result = $myAutoItObfuscator->ObfuscateScriptSource($scriptSourceCode);

// it's also possible to pass script path instead of a string with the source e.g.
// $result = $myAutoItObfuscator->ObfuscateScriptFile("/path/to/script/source.au3");

// $result[] array holds the obfuscation results as well as other information
// $result["error"]         - error code
// $result["output"]        - obfuscated code
// $result["demo"]          - was it used in demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
// $result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
// $result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
// $result["expired"]       - if this was the last usage credit for the activation key it will be set to true
if ($result !== false)
	// display obfuscated code
	if ($result["error"] === \PELock\AutoItObfuscator::ERROR_SUCCESS)
		// format output code for HTML display
		echo "<pre>" . htmlentities($result["output"]) . "</pre>";
		die("An error occurred, error code: " . $result["error"]);
	die("Something unexpected happened while trying to obfuscate the code.");
#!/usr/bin/env python

# AutoIt Obfuscator WebApi interface usage example.
# In this example we will obfuscate sample source with default options.
# Version        : v1.0
# Language       : Python
# Author         : Bartosz Wójcik
# Web page       :

# include AutoIt Obfuscator module
from autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# if you don't want to use Python module, you can import directly from the file
#from pelock.autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
myAutoItObfuscator = AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD")

# source code in AutoIt v3 format
scriptSourceCode = 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World")'

# by default all options are enabled, both helper random numbers
# generation & obfuscation strategies, so we can just simply call:
result = myAutoItObfuscator.obfuscate_script_source(scriptSourceCode)

# it's also possible to pass script path instead of a string with the source e.g.
# result = myAutoItObfuscator.obfuscate_script_file("/path/to/script/source.au3")

# result[] array holds the obfuscation results as well as other information
# result["error"]         - error code
# result["output"]        - obfuscated code
# result["demo"]          - was it used in demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
# result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
# result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
# result["expired"]       - if this was the last usage credit for the activation key it will be set to True
if result and "error" in result:

    # display obfuscated code
    if result["error"] == AutoItObfuscator.ERROR_SUCCESS:

        # format output code for HTML display

        print(f'An error occurred, error code: {result["error"]}')

    print("Something unexpected happen while trying to obfuscate the code.")

Obfuskacja z własnymi ustawieniami

// include AutoIt Obfuscator class
use PELock\AutoItObfuscator;

// if you don't want to use Composer use include_once
//include_once "AutoItObfuscator.php";

// create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
$myAutoItObfuscator = new PELock\AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD");

// should the source code be compressed while sending it and receiving from the server
$myAutoItObfuscator->enableCompression = true;

// generate random integer values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomIntegers = true;

// generate random value characters
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomCharacters = true;

// generate random anti regular expression values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomAntiRegex = true;

// generate arrays with random values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomArrays = true;

// generate multidimensional arrays with random values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomArraysMultidimensional = true;

//  generate functions that return random values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomFunctions = true;

// generate autostarted random values
$myAutoItObfuscator->randomAutostarted = true;

// change linear code execution flow to nonlinear version
$myAutoItObfuscator->mixCodeFlow = true;

// rename variable names to random string values
$myAutoItObfuscator->renameVariables = true;

// rename function names to random string values
$myAutoItObfuscator->renameFunctions = true;

// rename function names in function calls
$myAutoItObfuscator->renameFunctionCalls = true;

//  shuffle order of functions in the output source
$myAutoItObfuscator->shuffleFunctions = true;

// resolve WinApi constants to numerical values
$myAutoItObfuscator->resolveConstants = true;

// encrypt numbers into arithmetic and boolean expressions
$myAutoItObfuscator->cryptNumbers = true;

// split strings into series of random sized substrings
$myAutoItObfuscator->splitStrings = true;

// modify strings using built-it AutoIt string functions
$myAutoItObfuscator->modifyStrings = true;

// encrypt strings using polymorphic encryption algorithms
$myAutoItObfuscator->cryptStrings = true;

// insert ternary operators for numerical values
$myAutoItObfuscator->insertTernaryOperators = true;

// source code in AutoIt v3 format
$scriptSourceCode = 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World")';

// by default all options are enabled, both helper random numbers
// generation & obfuscation strategies, so we can just simply call:
$result = $myAutoItObfuscator->ObfuscateScriptSource($scriptSourceCode);

// $result[] array holds the obfuscation results as well as other information
// $result["error"]         - error code
// $result["output"]        - obfuscated code
// $result["demo"]          - was it used in demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
// $result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
// $result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
// $result["expired"]       - if this was the last usage credit for the activation key it will be set to true
if ($result !== false)
	// display obfuscated code
	if ($result["error"] === \PELock\AutoItObfuscator::ERROR_SUCCESS)
		// format output code for HTML display
		echo "<pre>" . htmlentities($result["output"]) . "</pre>";
		die("An error occurred, error code: " . $result["error"]);
	die("Something unexpected happened while trying to obfuscate the code.");
#!/usr/bin/env python

# AutoIt Obfuscator WebApi interface usage example.
# In this example we will obfuscate sample source with default options.
# Version        : v1.0
# Language       : Python
# Author         : Bartosz Wójcik
# Web page       :

# include AutoIt Obfuscator module
from autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# if you don't want to use Python module, you can import directly from the file
#from pelock.autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
myAutoItObfuscator = AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD")

# should the source code be compressed (both input & compressed)
myAutoItObfuscator.enableCompression = True

# generate random integer values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomIntegers = True

# generate random value characters
myAutoItObfuscator.randomCharacters = True

# generate random anti regular expression values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomAntiRegex = True

# generate arrays with random values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomArrays = True

# generate multidimensional arrays with random values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomArraysMultidimensional = True

# generate functions that returns random values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomFunctions = True

# generate autostarted random values
myAutoItObfuscator.randomAutostarted = True

# change linear code execution flow to nonlinear version
myAutoItObfuscator.mixCodeFlow = True

# rename variable names to random string values
myAutoItObfuscator.renameVariables = True

# rename function names to random string values
myAutoItObfuscator.renameFunctions = True

# rename function names in function calls
myAutoItObfuscator.renameFunctionCalls = True

# resolve WinApi constants to numerical values
myAutoItObfuscator.resolveConstants = True

# encrypt numbers into arithmetic and boolean expressions
myAutoItObfuscator.cryptNumbers = True

# split strings into series of random sized substrings
myAutoItObfuscator.splitStrings = True

# modify strings using built-it AutoIt string functions
myAutoItObfuscator.modifyStrings = True

# encrypt strings using polymorphic encryption algorithms
myAutoItObfuscator.cryptStrings = True

# insert ternary operators for numerical values
myAutoItObfuscator.insertTernaryOperators = True

# source code in AutoIt v3 format
scriptSourceCode = 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World")'

# by default all options are enabled, both helper random numbers
# generation & obfuscation strategies, so we can just simply call:
result = myAutoItObfuscator.obfuscate_script_source(scriptSourceCode)

# result[] array holds the obfuscation results as well as other information
# result["error"]         - error code
# result["output"]        - obfuscated code
# result["demo"]          - was it used in demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
# result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
# result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
# result["expired"]       - if this was the last usage credit for the activation key it will be set to True
if result and "error" in result:

	# display obfuscated code
	if result["error"] == AutoItObfuscator.ERROR_SUCCESS:

		# format output code for HTML display
		print(f'An error occurred, error code: {result["error"]}')

	print("Something unexpected happen while trying to obfuscate the code.")

Sprawdzanie klucza aktywacyjnego

// include AutoIt Obfuscator class
use PELock\AutoItObfuscator;

// if you don't want to use Composer use include_once
//include_once "AutoItObfuscator.php";

// create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
$myAutoItObfuscator = new PELock\AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD");

// login to the service
$result = $myAutoItObfuscator->Login();

// $result[] array holds the information about the license
// $result["demo"]          - is it a demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
// $result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
// $result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
// $result["string_limit"]  - max. script size allowed (it's 1000 bytes for demo mode)
if ($result !== false)
	echo "Demo version status - " . ($result["demo"] ? "true" : "false") . "<br>";
	echo "Usage credits left - " . $result["credits_left"] . "<br>";
	echo "Total usage credits - " . $result["credits_total"] . "<br>";
	echo "Max. script size - " . $result["string_limit"] . "<br>";

	die("Something unexpected happened while trying to login to the service.");
#!/usr/bin/env python

# AutoIt Obfuscator WebApi interface usage example.
# In this example we will verify our activation key status.
# Version        : v1.0
# Language       : Python
# Author         : Bartosz Wójcik
# Web page       :

# include AutoIt Obfuscator module
from autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# if you don't want to use Python module, you can import directly from the file
#from pelock.autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
myAutoItObfuscator = AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD")

# login to the service
result = myAutoItObfuscator.login()

# result[] array holds the information about the license
# result["demo"]          - is it a demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
# result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
# result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
# result["string_limit"]  - max. script size allowed (it's 1000 bytes for demo mode)
if result:

	print(f'Demo version status - {"True" if result["demo"] else "False"}')
	print(f'Usage credits left - {result["credits_left"]}')
	print(f'Total usage credits - {result["credits_total"]}')
	print(f'Max. script size - {result["string_limit"]}')

	print("Something unexpected happen while trying to login to the service.")

Zwracane wartości

$result["error"] [wyj]
Kod błędu. Jeden z poniższych:
Nazwa Wartość Opis
ERROR_SUCCESS 0 Wszystko się udało.
ERROR_INPUT_SIZE 1 Kod źródłowy jest zbyt duży. Najczęściej zwracana wartość w przypadku działania w trybie demo (limit 1000 znaków).
ERROR_INPUT 2 Uszkodzony wejściowy kod źródłowy, sprawdź składnię.
ERROR_PARSING 3 Błąd parsowania kodu źródłowego AutoIt.
ERROR_OBFUSCATION 4 Błąd obfuskacji sparsowanego już kodu źródłowego.
ERROR_OUTPUT 5 Błąd podczas generowania zobfuskowanego kodu wyjściowego.
$result["output"] [wyj, opcjonalnie]
Wyjściowy kod źródłowy poddany obfuskacji.
$result["demo"] [wyj]
Flaga oznaczająca czy to wersja pełna czy demo.
$result["credits_left"] [wyj]
Pozostała ilość kredytów użycia dla przypisanego kodu aktywacyjnego.
$result["credits_total"] [wyj]
Całkowita ilość kredytów dla przypisanego kodu aktywacyjnego.
$result["expired"] [wyj, opcjonalnie]
Jeśli ustawiona na true oznacza to, że kod aktywacyjny wygasł (było to jego ostatnie wykorzystanie).
$result["string_limit"] [wyj, opcjonalnie]
Maksymalny dozwolony rozmiar wejściowego kodu źródłowego dla wersji pełnej i demo.


Biblioteka PHP AutoItObfuscator
Moduł dla Pythona 3 AutoItObfuscator

Masz pytania?

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